Public-private relationships in defence procurement in the EU: The case of the UK

Dr Resimić, M. (2019). Public-private relationships in defence procurement in the EU: The case of the UK. GTI-WP/2019:04, Budapest: Government Transparency Institute.

Defence procurement is sensitive to corruption and state capture risks, because the government enforces secrecy and awards high value contracts to firms in a market dominated by a few large players (Pyman, Wilson & Scott, 2009; Courtney, Cockcroft & Murray, 2002). Defence procurement in the UK has some additional risks considering that around 50% of its contracts are …

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Does the Defence Industry Capture the State in France?

Renon, E. (2019). Does the Defence Industry Capture the State in France? GTI-WP/2019:03, London, UK: Government Transparency Institute.

State capture is the disproportionate and unregulated influence of interest groups or companies, where they manage to bend state laws, policies and regulations by paying illicit contributions to political parties and for election campaigns, buy parliamentary votes, presidential decrees or court decisions, as well as through illegitimate lobbying and revolving door appointments. State capture can also arise from the more subtle close …

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GTI wins the IMF Anti-Corruption Challenge

The Government Transparency Institute and FCDO UK team has won the first place in the IMF Anti-Corruption Challenge with its project Public procurement corruption risks: Harnessing Big Data for better fiscal governance and growth. We also worked together with the IMF to deliver this innovative project.

See our presentation followed by a Q&A at the IMF Pitch Event

We developed an intelligence tool which uses big data analytics and peer-reviewed methods to identify corruption risks in micro-level public procurement processes …

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Corruption Cost Tracker

Corruption Cost Tracker

The Corruption Cost Tracker (CCT) is a global intelligence tool for analysing where corruption risks lie in public procurement, how big are their costs, and which are the reforms offering the greatest savings. It covers 33 countries from the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. The CCT is an interactive online tool, with dashboards for Corruption Risk Analysis, Spending Analysis, Efficiency Gains, COVID-19-related goods, and Policy Scenarios. Each of the dashboards allows users to undertake their own analysis …

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The Corruption Cost Tracker: Quantifying the costs of corrupt contracting and the savings to be made from reform

Fazekas, M., Dávid-Barrett, E., Abdou, A., Basdevant, O.  (2020). The Corruption Cost Tracker: Quantifying the costs of corrupt contracting and the savings to be made from reform. GTI-R/2020:02, Budapest: Government Transparency Institute.

Public procurement constitutes about one-third of government spending or 13 trillion USD per year. It is highly vulnerable to corruption with estimates of losses amounting to 10-20%. Corruption in public procurement can lead to: 1) Overpriced public procurement contracts contributing to larger budget deficits. 2) Unfinished, sub-standard delivery …

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Opentender – Uganda

Opentender Uganda


The Opentender portal of Uganda compiles and visualises public procurement information in Uganda.
This portal is part of the ‘Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement’ project, that has developed a new methodology for identifying corruption risks in public procurement, funded by the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) programme.

The public procurement data published on Opentender Uganda was collected from the Government Procurement Portal (GPP) that was launched in 2015, under the supervision of the autonomous regulatory body, the …

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Opentender – Kenya

Opentender Kenya


The Opentender portal of Kenya compiles and visualises public procurement information in Kenya.
This portal is part of the ‘Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement’ project, that has developed a new methodology for identifying corruption risks in public procurement, funded by the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) programme.

The public procurement dataset published on Opentender Kenya was collected from the national Public Procurement Information Portal managed by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA). Data is covered between the …

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Opentender – Jamaica

Opentender Jamaica


The Opentender portal of Jamaica compiles and visualises public procurement information in Jamaica. This portal is part of the ‘Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement’ project, that has developed a new methodology for identifying corruption risks in public procurement, funded by the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) programme.

The Jamaican public procurement database published on the Opentender Jamaica portal includes contract-level observations on implemented contracts of public bodies nationwide. Procuring entities are required to report their contracts to …

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How to define and measure corruption

Mungiu-Pippidi A. and Fazekas M. (2020). How to define and measure Corruption. In Alina Mungiu-Pippidi & Paul M. Heywood (eds.) A Research Agenda for Studies of Corruption. Ch. 2. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

The measurement of corruption is an essential part of this policy-driven intellectual endeavour. As a United Nations Development Programme review report stated: ‘To put it plainly, there is little value in a measurement if it does not tell us what needs to be fixed’ (UNDP 2008, p. 8). …

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Corruption and the Network Structure of Public Contracting Markets across Government Change

Wachs J. and Fazekas M. (2020). Corruption and the Network Structure of Public Contracting Markets across Government Change. Politics and Governance, 8(2), pp. 153-166.

Corruption is thought to affect developed economies to a greater degree than developing countries. However, given our limited capacity to detect corruption, it may simply be harder to detect it in countries with stronger institutions. This article sets out to address this measurement challenge and to offer a tailored approach to one particular type of corruption: …

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