Tender-X is a for-profit venture developed by the Government Transparency Institute, aimed at commercial use. The target clients of Tender-X are banks and development finance institutions that finance companies engaged in public procurement, as well as private companies that take part in public procurement and their legal and financial advisors.
Tender-X aims to save time for its clients by providing an analytical report based on quantitative data. Such data is not part of the usual qualitative and watchlist-based due diligence processes, conducted by in-house teams or external consultants that can run into several weeks. The comprehensive organisational reports of Tender-X can cover both the companies that participate in tenders and the public institutions that organise them. Tender-X has compiled one of the most comprehensive contract level procurement datasets in the world, containing well-structured queryable data on more than 50 million contracts from 4 continents, including a wide array of risk indicators.
Tender-X integrity risk reports aim to complement compliance assessments with analysis of contracting patterns equally relevant for commercial, legal and compliance functions. The Tender-X website includes a user-friendly search functionality to select companies and organisations of interest and order reports immediately.
Tender-X is also open to deliver on-demand risk analytics tailored to client needs, making use of the wide-ranging functionalities of its dataset and drawing on data and insights from interviews and fieldwork.